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References used for Literature Review

The literature search was conducted by using the computerized AskERIC database (Information Institute of Syracuse, 2001a). AskERIC is a component of the Information Institute of Syracuse at Syracuse University and encompasses the resources of the entire Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC) system (Information Institute of Syracuse, 2001b).

ERIC descriptors used in the search were distance education paired with World Wide Web, Internet, teleconferencing, telecommunications, and computer mediated communication. The keywords online, virtual, and Web-based were also paired with the descriptor distance education. Research reports, project descriptions, and conference papers relating to teaching and learning on the World Wide Web were chosen for the literature review. In light of the dimensions identified in the pilot study by Stewart (1999) and the components of Web-based instruction suggested by Driscoll (1998) and Khan (1997), the following was used as the overarching framework for the literature review: (a) tools facilitating Web-based instruction, (b) class procedures and expectations, (c) instruction, and (d) interaction.

Care was taken during the review of the literature to allow for dimensions and items to emerge that were not suggested by Driscoll (1998) and Khan (1997) nor identified by Stewart (1999). Specifically, as the documents were examined, their reference and additional reading lists as well as suggested Web sites were used in search of more items and additional dimensions. The following documents were found in the initial literature search:

  1. Discussions of the look and feel of the display screen, layout of the Web page, Web document download times, the hyperlink system, or navigation (e.g., Baylor, 1999; Frick, Monson, Xaver, Ilie, Conley, & Wamey, 1999; Pacheco, Day, Cribelli, Jordan, Murray, & Persichitte, 1999; van Rennes & Collis, 1998).
  2. Investigations of audio and video presentations in with Web-based instruction (e.g., Abrams & Haefner, 1998; Hecht & Klass, 1999; Hecht & Schoon, 1998; Mason, 1997; Wulf & Schinzel, 1998).
  3. Examinations of teaching and learning in the Web-based environment (e.g., Berge, 1999; Carlson, Downs, Repman, & Clark, 1998; Daugherty & Funke, 1998; Downs, Carlson, Repman, & Clark, 1999; Hara, 1998; Hindes, 1999; Mory, Gambill, Lewis, Browning, & Burton, 1998; Newlands & Ward, 1998; Schlough & Bhuripanyo, 1998; Ward, 1999; Westbrook, 1999; White, 1999).
  4. Explorations of the characteristics of online interaction (e.g., Gunawardena, 1994; Jiang & Ting, 1998; Kirby, 1999; Mahesh & McIsaac, 1999; Vrasidas & McIsaac, 1999).

Next, the Web site of the online bookstore amazon.com was searched for books pertaining to teaching and learning on the World Wide Web. The descriptors and keywords used in the ERIC search were also used for this search. In this manner, the following books were acquired and investigated: (a) Web-Based Instruction by Khan (1997), (b) Designing Web Usability by Nielsen (2000), (c) Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace by Palloff and Pratt (1999), (d) Teaching Online by Draves (2000), (e) Using the World Wide Web to Build Workplace Learning Environments by Beer (2000), (f) Adult Learning and the Internet by Cahoon (1998), (g) The Online Teaching Guide by White and Weight (2000), (h) Technology-Based Training by Kruse and Keil ( 2000), (i) Web-Based Training by Driscoll (1998), (j) Human Factors and Web Development by Forsythe, Grose, and Ratner (1998), (k) Distance Education: A Systems View by Moore and Kearsley (1996), and Distance Education: A Practical Guide by Willis (1993).

Finally, again using the same descriptors and keywords, a search of the online library catalog of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas yielded the following books that were deemed appropriate for the study: (a) The McGraw-Hill Handbook of Distance Learning by Chute, Thompson, and Hancock (1999), (b) Distance Education: Strategies and Tools by Willis (1994), (c) The Virtual Classroom: Learning without Limits via Computer Networks by Hiltz (1994), (d) Theory and Practice of Distance Education by Holmberg (1995), Handbook of Research for Educational Communications and Technology by Jonassen (1996), Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom by Berge and Collins (1996), Designing the User Interface by Shneiderman (1998).

Actual References Used for the Literature Review

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