Instrument for Student Evaluation of Web-Based Instruction
Response format: 1 = Strongly Disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 = Undecided; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly Agree; 9 = Not Applicable (for some questions)
Web-Based Course Evaluation
Following are questions that pertain to the Internet course that you are presently taking! Don't worry, responding to the questions will only take 10 minutes of your time!
Please type the name of the course that you are evaluating: __________________
Appearance of Web Pages
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of the appearance and structure of Web pages used in the course. A Web page is any information with its own Web address that appears on your computer screen. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
1. The font (type face, size, style) used on the Web pages detracts from the content.
2. The Web pages appear lifeless and dull.
3. The Web pages are dominated by overly bold graphics or text.
4. The color scheme of the Web pages interferes with text comprehension.
5. The layout of the Web pages is uncluttered.
6. The Web pages are overcrowded with hyperlinks.
7. *** The Web pages contain unnecessary animated or blinking graphics.
8. *** A considerable number of pictures or animations that are supposed to be on the Web pages are missing.
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Hyperlinks and Navigation
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of the hyperlinks and navigation used in this course. Hyperlinks are the buttons, graphs, or phrases that connect one Web page with another. Navigation is defined as the movement between Web pages. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
9. *** The hyperlinks are clearly identifiable on the Web pages. Note: Hyperlinks are the buttons, graphs, or phrases that connect one Web page with another.
10. *** Important information is easy to find on the Web pages.
11. *** The hyperlinks clearly tell me what information I am connecting to.
12. It is easy to locate a particular Web page from any other Web page.
13. The layout of the course Web site is clear to me.
14. *** The buttons in the WebCT course management system clearly tell me what function they perform (compose a letter, connect to chat rooms, etc.).
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Technical Issues
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of your access to course components and viewing of course materials. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
15. The following online course media quickly loads to my home computer:
a. *** Video Presentations
b. *** Audio Presentations
c. *** Pictures or Animations
d. Web pages
16. The technical quality of the following online course media is good:
a. *** Video Presentations
b. *** Audio Presentations
c. *** Pictures or Animations
d. *** Interactive Computer Video Conferencing (CUseeME, etc.)
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Online Applications
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of the ease of use of ONLINE applications. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
17. The following ONLINE applications are easy to use:
a. *** Video Player
b. *** Audio Player
c. *** Interactive Computer Video Conferencing System
d. *** Chat Rooms
e. *** Bulletin Board
f. *** Private E-Mail System
g. *** White Board
h. *** Tutorials
i. *** Simulations
j. *** Plug-ins (other than video or audio player)
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Class Procedures and Expectations
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of the procedures guiding the course and the instructor's expectations of you. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
18. I know exactly what actions to take in the event of technology-related problems.
19. In the beginning of the semester, I was given enough time to become familiar with the technology.
20. I am told exactly how to turn in each assignment.
21. *** I am given reasonable alternatives to scheduled "fixed time" activities (chats, tests, field trips, etc.).
22. The grading procedures are clearly stated.
23. The directions for completing assigned tasks are confusing.
24. The due dates and deadlines are clear to me.
25. In the beginning of the semester, I was told exactly what is expected of me as a student in an Internet course (learning style, academic and technical requirements, etc.).
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Content Delivery
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of the manner in which the course material was presented to you. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
26. The course content is delivered with appropriate media. Note: Media includes printed materials, audio, video, pictures, animations, etc.
27. *** The instructor provides enough examples to allow me to better understand the subject matter.
28. *** The assigned tasks increase my comprehension of the subject matter.
29. *** I am given useful resources for extra practice or for expanding my knowledge (online tutorials or libraries, content-related Web sites, etc.).
30. The instructional methods used in this course help me learn the subject matter. Note: Instructional methods may include lectures, case studies, discussions, group work, etc.
31. The assessment activities (tests, quizzes, essays, presentations, etc.) contribute to my knowledge of the subject matter.
32. The materials used to present the subject matter reflect the personal touch of the instructor.
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Instructor and Peer Interaction
Please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes what you think of the manner in which you and your instructor and peers interact with each other. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
33. The instructor communicates with me in a thoughtful manner.
34. The messages from the instructor are clear to me.
35. The instructor uses an informal conversational style (uses humor, is folksy, etc.).
36. The instructor encourages proper communication among students (teaches Internet etiquette or behavior during discussions, etc.)
37. *** The instructor confirms in a timely manner that assigned tasks have been received.
38. I can count on the instructor to clear up quickly any confusion that I may have with a topic.
39. The instructor makes an effort to ask me how I am doing.
40. I am encouraged to get in touch with the instructor when questions or concerns arise.
41. The instructor responds to my messages in a timely manner.
42. *** The instructor is difficult to reach when WebCT is unavailable.
43. *** The instructor's participation in mandatory discussions (in chat rooms, on the bulletin board, etc.) is poor.
44. I am encouraged to communicate with my peers.
Note: *** means that the option "not applicable" is a viable choice.
Student Background
Thank you for completing the survey. Your responses will be very helpful in my attempt to improve the quality of Web-based instruction. The following background questions will help me to better evaluate the results. If you make a mistake, click on the correct choice and the previous answer will disappear.
Please use your mouse to first click on the next two (2) text fields, then type the information.
For the next three (3) questions, please use the mouse to click on the "circle" next to the response that best describes you.
Have you taken the prerequisite(s) for this course?
Prerequisite(s) not required
I don't know
How many Internet courses utilizing WebCT have you taken prior to this course?
2 or more
Are you predominantly using a home computer for this course?
Please use your mouse to click on the text area first, then type any comments you might have! (optional)