Please print out this document and keep it handy for subsequent enrollment into MyOpenMath. You can find access to MOM by clicking its (brown) button on the Canvas Course Home Page.
- If you are a new to MyOpenMath, click on the link "Register as a new student" and follow the instructions.
You must then provide the following information:
- User Name - It is suggested that you use your firstname.lastname.
- Password - It is suggested that you use something that you won't easily forget.
- Your first and last name - Use the name under which you are registered at CSN. DO NOT use any other name or nickname.
- Valid email account - Since you will receive some messages from your instructor via e-mail, please use an account that you access frequently.
- MOM Course ID - 199179
- MOM Enrollment Key - stewart127WR
- If you already have an account, you can access MyOpenMath with your username and password. You can then add Math 127Remote to your course list by using a Course ID which is 199179 and an Enrollment Key which is stewart127WR.
If you are running into trouble, send the instructor an e-mail using