Meeting Dates Section 1204: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 AM - 12:20 PM
Meeting Dates Section 1211: Tuesdays and Thursdays   2:00 PM -   4:20 PM

Location: Zoom Classroom
Semester Dates: Tuesday, January 21- Sunday, May 18, 2025

Disclaimer:  This syllabus is subject to change with advance notice as deemed appropriate by the instructor! The notice will be sent to the students' email account on record.


For important semester dates such as "last day to register", "last day to drop the course", breaks and holidays, etc. go to CSN Calendar/Schedule/Catalog.


You can find Dr. Stewart's Tentative Course Schedule at http://profstewartmath.com/Cal_124EWR_Spring25.pdf and on the Canvas Course Home Page.

See paragraph #7 for more information on Canvas. The Tentative Course Schedule allows you to quickly check the availability of tasks and their due dates. It is also a guide of how to proceed through the course for optimum success. Make a hard copy and keep it next to your workspace.

NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify the course schedule at any time with written, electronic, or verbal notification. It is the students' responsibility to be aware of the changes made. Please understand that all times in the Course Schedule are considered Pacific Standard Time.


You have elected to take Math 124E in a "Web-remote" environment. In this course you must attend LIVE instructions via Zoom at the same time two times a week. Zoom is free-of-charge. See paragraph #7 for more information on Zoom.

For Class Meetings - Zoom ID is 89509679592 and Password is math1

However, some lectures are video recorded, and you must watch them and then do some practice problems. This is due to the downright overwhelming number of concepts that are supposed to be covered in this course. The video recorded lectures allow you to take a "breather" after a hard live lecture. But fear not, the video recorded concepts will be discussed at the beginning of the next live Zoom classroom session!

This Web-remote course is NOT an online course.

Some of you may wonder if you must attend the LIVE instructions. This is a resounding YES. The Math Department feels that the Extended Courses, such as Math 124E, either require on-campus attendance or remote attendance.  They are not to be treated as an online course.  Not showing up to the lectures most likely will hurt your course grade.  Many students have tried this and then failed because they basically had to teach themselves.

If you signed up for this course, but you actually work during the LIVE instructions, it is strongly suggested that you drop this course and find an evening course that fits your work schedule.  There is even a Saturday course.

In this Web-remote course you are not allowed to do whatever you want.

Successful web-remote courses have structure and purpose. You must adhere to deadlines and due dates just like in an on-campus course. 

In this Web-remote course you must have the appropriate technology and be tech-savvy.

For more details pertaining to Technology Requirements go to
http://profstewartmath.com/General/techreq_124EWR.html (also on the Canvas Course Home Page).

Technical difficulties cannot be used as an excuse for failure to complete assignments. It is your responsibility to locate the computer hardware, software, and internet connections necessary to stay connected and current with your course work and course requirements

In this Web-remote course you must exhibit appropriate behaviors in person and in writing.

Strive for a personable tone! Do not make offensive or disparaging remarks. Please familiarize yourself with the CSN Disruptive and Abusive Student Policy and the Student Conduct Code.

In this course you must take a proctored Midterm Exam and Final Exam.

For more details pertaining to the proctoring location go to http://profstewartmath.com/General/FAQ_Exams.html (also on the Canvas Course Home Page)


MATH 124Extended

This course is equivalent to Math 124 and requires students to be concurrently enrolled in a co-requisite section of Math 24.

Practical applications are the focal point of this course. Topics include equations and inequalities; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs; solutions of systems of linear equations; and matrices. Use of technology is integrated and required. Prerequisites: None; Corequisite: Math 24


This course does NOT serve as a prerequisite for Math 127 (precalculus II-trigonometry) nor is it sufficiently rigorous for entry into Math 181 (calculus).

CSN offers this course only as 5-credit combination of Math 124E (3 credits) and the Math 24 (2 credits) corequisite course.

This course serves as a prerequisite for Math 132, Math 176, and Stat 152.


Just in time learning support for MATH 124E. Please note that CSN only offers this course for 2 credits. Prerequisite: None; Corequisite: Math 124E


Math 124Extended

Math 24


Name:  Ingrid Stewart, Ph.D., Charleston Campus, H-Building, Suite 101, Room S

Address: College of Southern Nevada, 6375 W. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89146

CSN Phone Number: 702-651-5692

Web Site: http://profstewartmath.com

CSN E-Mail Address: ingrid.stewart@csn.edu

Contact (Office) Hours:

Synchronously via Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 PM to 1:50 PM pacific time. The Meeting ID is 86456515440 and the Password is office.

Asynchronously via MyOpenMath Messages or Forum on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 AM to 9:50 AM pacific time.

See paragraph #7 for more information on MyOpenMath and Zoom


For more detailed information pertaining to Media & Tools go to
http://profstewartmath.com/General/Media124EWR.html (also on the Canvas Course Home Page).


We will use the free Canvas as our "Course Organization System". It will become available to the students on Sunday, January 19, 2025. Canvas allows for quick and easy access to all course tools, course rules and policies, and helpful hints.

The Canvas Student Quick Start Guide be found at http://guides.instructure.com/m/8470. The entire Student Guide may be found at http://guides.instructure.com/m/4212. Telephone Support for Distance Education students having problems logging into a course, using course website tools, or other technical problems can be found by contacting the CSN Technology Help Desk locally at 702-651-4357 or via 1-800-630-7563 toll-free, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

MyOpenMath (aka MOM)

We will use the free MyOpenMath as our "Math Learning System". It will become available to the students on Sunday, January 19, 2025. MOM contains online textbooks, the instructor-created lecture notes, assorted YouTube videos, homework assignments, exams, asynchronous communication tools, and much more. NOTE: The Gradebook will also be in MOM.

You can find access to MOM by clicking its (brown) button on the Canvas Course Home Page. For MOM Registration information go to http://profstewartmath.com/General/myopenmath124EWR.html (also on the Canvas Course Home Page). For MOM technology support please contact the instructor.


The free online conference room called Zoom will be used for contact (office) hours (see paragraph #6 above), our class meetings, and any other face-to-face meetings should you want to talk to the instructor outside of class or office hours. In that case, please make an appointment with the instructor. Download the "Zoom Client for Meetings" at https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting.

For Class Meetings - ID 89509679592 and Password math1

For all other Meetings - ID 86456515440 and Password office

For Zoom technology support please contact the instructor.


For more detailed information pertaining to Course Tasks go to
http://profstewartmath.com/General/Tasks124EWR.html (also on the Canvas Course Home Page)

We will utilize MOM for ALL graded and non-graded tasks! The Gradebook will also be in MOM! There are eight (8) types of tasks for you to complete, some are graded and some are not graded. They consist of (a) writing an Autobiography; (b) completing a Syllabus Review; (c) studying the Learning Materials; (d) completing Practice Problem Sets; (e) completing Module Reviews; (f) taking Module Quizzes; (g) taking a proctored, comprehensive Midterm Exam; and (h) taking a proctored, comprehensive Final Exam.


The instructor will respond within 24 hours during the week and 48 hours over the weekend to any of your questions and concerns!

For more detailed information pertaining to Course Communication go to
http://profstewartmath.com/General/Communication124EWR.htm (also on the Canvas Course Home Page).

We will primarily use MOM and Zoom to communicate. The Canvas "Inbox" can be used for private conversations, but it does not allow you to write math symbols.

In MOM we will use "Forums" and "Messages" (private conversations). The free online conference room called Zoom will be used for our class meeting and for contact (office) hours. You can also ask the instructor for a Zoom meeting at any other time. However, you must make an appointment via MOM "Messages" or the Canvas "Inbox".


For more detailed information pertaining to Course Help go to
http://profstewartmath.com/General/Help.html (also on the Canvas Course Home Page).

You can ask the instructor or your peers about non-math related and math-related issues in many ways. You can utilize the MOM "General Communications" or "Math Question" Forums (public), the MOM "Messages" (private), the Canvas "Inbox" (private), or the free-of-charge software-based conference room Zoom (private).


There is a new CSN Course Registration and Withdrawal Policy as follows:

You must prove that you are a legitimate student in the course. In my course, this proof consists of you completing Practice Task 1PRE with at least a 75% by the Sunday of the first week of class.

If you do not comply with this requirement, the instructor MUST report you to the CSN Registrar who may administratively withdraw you from the course.

Aside from the above requirement, you MUST attend the Zoom classroom at the regular scheduled time. You MUST also access MyOpenMath "Messages" and the Forums daily to read new posts and messages. You are responsible for any grade ramifications if you do not attend the course as described.


ALL graded tasks have soft and hard due dates and times (Nevada time zone). It is expected that you complete ALL tasks by their soft due dates and times. The hard due dates and/or times should only be used in the unlikely event you had no other alternative. However, if you use them, it is still your responsibility to be mindful of the time constraints as to not incur the loss of points.

Please understand that MyOpenMath can only show hard due dates and times. YOU are responsible for knowing when the soft due dates and times are. See the Tentative Course Schedule in paragraph 2.


NO graded tasks will be accepted AFTER the hard due dates stated in the Tentative Course Schedule! After the hard due date, you will be given a grade of 0% for ALL non-submitted graded tasks. No make-up is possible.

Why? It is all about "fairness"! Students who are allowed to make up graded tasks have a longer study time, can potentially get a "peek" at a friend's graded task, and may experience less stress especially during finals week when multiple exams are often due on the same day.


NO retakes of practice tasks, module reviews, and module quizzes will be allowed after their availability period. The Midterm and Final Exams may not be retaken.


NO extra credit tasks will be made available.


NO grades will be dropped.


You can find the Course Gradebook in MyOpenMath!

a. Grading Scale

Following is the grading scale used by the instructor for ALL graded tasks and for the course grade in Math 124E:

100 - 93 A       92 - 90 A-    

  89 - 83 B       82 - 80 B-    

  79 - 73 C       72 - 70 C-     

  69 - 63 D       62 - 60 D-    

  59 -   0 F

     b. Course Grade Calculation in Math 24

In Math 24, a Pass/Fail course grade must be given. If you earn an "F" grade in Math 124E, you will get a "Fail" grade in Math 24 otherwise you will get a "Pass" grade.

     c. Course Grade Calculation in Math 124E

It is expected that you know how to calculate your course grade at any given time during the semester. The following formula will be used:

0.20 (Final Exam Grade) + 0.20 (Midterm Exam Grade) + 0.30 (Avg of ALL Quizzes) + 0.10 (Avg of ALL Reviews) + 0.20 (Avg of ALL Practice Problem Sets)

NOTE: While your individual grades show as percentages in the MOM Gradebook, your course grade is calculated using the points earned divided by the points possible. Your course grade will be rounded UP to a whole number if the number in the tenths place is 5 or higher.


You are expected to complete your own work in this class. Cheating on graded tasks is not fair to students who are honestly studying. Cheating is also subject to penalties, which can include getting a 0 for the exam or failing the course. The full list of possible penalties is listed in the CSN Student Academic Integrity Policy. You must familiarize yourself with this policy.

A Word about Artificial Intelligence (AI): Any use of generative AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT) is strictly prohibited for all assignments, exams, and projects in this course. All work must be completed independently, without AI assistance at any stage, from initial planning to final submission. Suspected use of generative AI will be investigated as a violation of CSN’s Academic Integrity policy under the definition of 'cheating,' specifically ‘receiving aid not permitted by the instructor.’ Potential consequences may include a warning, grade reduction, course failure, or academic probation, depending on the severity of the violation.

Practice Problem Sets and Module Reviews: If it can be proven that someone else completed a practice problem set or a module review for you, you will get a 0. While tutors may explain math concepts to you, they are NOT allowed to work individual problems for you.

Module Quizzes, Midterm Exam, and Final Exam: If it can be proven that someone else completed a module quiz or an exam for you, you will get a 0. Additionally, if it can be proven that you used outside resources on the module quizzes and the exams (textbook, instructor notes, your notes, Web sites, Artificial Intelligence, etc.), you will also get a 0!


The College of Southern Nevada is committed to making physical facilities and instructional programs accessible to students with disabilities as per the Americans with Disability Act. See https://www.ada.gov. If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC) so that such accommodations can be considered. All discussions will remain confidential. The DRC has offices on all three campuses. These serve as the focal point for coordination of services for students with disabilities.


When you choose to become a student at CSN, you accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in CSN’s academic and social community. For detailed information, access the link Students Rights and Responsibilities.


Treat your fellow classmates with courtesy and respect. All communications with the instructor, in person, via email, or otherwise, should be professional and respectful in nature.

If you find the instructor's or a fellow classmate's words, actions, or demeanor to be frightening or offensive, please do not hesitate to discuss this with the instructor.


The CSN Libraries provide support for students completing assignments that require research and the use of information. Librarians are available to students for one-on-one assistance locating and citing quality information either online or at one of their campus locations.


CSN prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities. This extends to pregnancy and the following related condition: pregnancy-related health issues, childbirth, lactation, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, recovery from pregnancy, and parental and family status issues related to pregnancy.

If you are pregnant or deal with pregnancy-related conditions as described above, and you are in need of accommodations, you must contact Dr. Armen Asherian, Title IX Coordinator, at titleixcoordinator@csn.edu or 702-651-7481, or the Disability Resource Center at 702-651-5644 for West Charleston, 702-651-3795 for Henderson, and 702-651-4045 for North Las Vegas to explore reasonable accommodation.


CSN is committed to creating a safe and open learning environment for all students. In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, CSN prohibits unlawful sex-based harassment against any participant in its education programs or activities. Sexual-based harassment includes quid pro quo (this for that) harassment, a hostile environment, and criminal sexual violence (including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.) This prohibition applies to CSN students, employees, and visitors. Incidents of sex-based harassment or discrimination should be reported to CSN’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Armen Asherian, at titleixcoordinator@csn.edu, or 702-651-7481 or University Police Department at 702-895-3669 to report a crime.


Teaching Philosophy: Given that you are pursuing post-graduate education (college, university), your instructor subscribes to the adult learning theory called "self-directed learning." It stresses that learners must exercise control over their learning decisions. Instructors may act as supporting guides, but all learners are responsible for their cognitive development as well as take ownership of their actions, a lesson that extends far beyond the classroom walls.

For example, some of the top job skills that will help individuals succeed in any industry include the ability to focus on one task without neglecting other duties, be self-motivated, and holding themselves accountable for their actions without needing oversight from a manager.

Conflict Resolution: If you have concerns with course scheduling, course materials, grading, etc., please contact the instructor first. If the instructor cannot resolve your issue(s), then contact the Math Department Office at 702-651-7585. You will be directed to the Department Chair.

Academic Advising: Academic Advisors help students assess academic strengths and limitations, learn academic success strategies, explore careers, declare a major, navigate the educational system, access campus and community resources, and connect to campus life. Contact Information: Charleston Campus: Building D, Student Services Area: 702-651-5670, North Las Vegas Campus: Student Services Area: 702-651-4049, Henderson Campus: Building B, Room 120: 702-651-3165. You can also go to https://www.csn.edu/advising.

Health Directive: Students must follow all active CSN health directives while enrolled in this class. CSN public health directives are found at CSN Wellness. Refusal to follow active CSN health directives may result in disciplinary action according to the Student Conduct Code including being dropped from the course.

Explore how mathematics can help you build your career:

Other CSN mathematics course you might want to take:

How to study for success in a mathematics course: Click HERE! (also on the Canvas Course Home Page)


Last Updated in January 2025